Motus Auto Auctions
How to buy a ca from Motus Auto Auctions

About the Auction

Buying on auction is different from buying a car from a dealer or a friend. Please read these rules of the auction carefully. By bidding on the auction you are making a commitment to buy, so make sure you understand the process and what your responsibilities are.

Auctions can be intimidating, we recommend you visit two auctions before you join the bidding yourself. It is good practice to get used to the pace and the environment. Once you feel comfortable in the auction surroundings, you are less likely to make a hasty buying decision and more likely to find the car that really suits your needs.

Prior to the Auction

Before travelling, please check upcoming auction dates on our auction calendar. All our auctions are open to the public and dealers. If you are require more information, Please contact our reception, they will gladly answer any questions you may have. We recommend that you attend the auction you're going to bid at. However, you may also register on the morning before the auction at Motus Auto Auctions.

Finding a car you are interested in buying

Payment & collections

Motus Auto Auctions accepts a range of payment methods and there are handling charges for cash deposits and credit cards. Remember there will also be administrative fees on top of the hammer price.

No cars may be removed from premises without full payment reflecting in our bank account.

Please ensure you bring any required spares where necessary, such as spare wheel, petrol, etc.

Remember: Bring your driving licence, ID & recent utility bill with you when making any purchase at auction.

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Motus Auto Actions © 2025